Project: Standardization of sustainable harvesting methods of Jigat species.

(Under the Annual Action Plan 2018-2019 of BTSG – KFRI)


Due to expansion of Agarbathi production, there is a growing demand for plants used as raw materials for the industry. As a result, tree species such as Persea macrantha, Lannea coromandelica etc. became overexploited through continuous debarking. The process has been lead to destruction of genetic stock of these species in situ. Since the targeted species are slow growing and distributed in evergreen to semi evergreen forests of Western Ghats, long term measures such as development of sustainable harvesting practises, rendering awareness and knowledge among stakeholders through necessary interaction/hands on training are becomes need of the hour. Identification of alternate Jigat species will help extend new natural raw materials to the industry thereby reduces escalating pressure on the existing species and its potential habitats.

  1. To study the traditional harvesting practises for extraction of bark of jigat species and evaluate its effect on sustained yield.
  2. To standardize sustainable harvesting protocols for each of the species.
Expected output:
  1. Identification of jigat property yielding plants through field survey among primary stakeholders.
  2. Development of scientific harvesting methods for jigat species towards its conservation and sustainable utilization.
    Tribal and rural people residing adjacent forest areas, Industrialists particularly on Agarbathi production.