Bamboos are propagated through seeds, vegetative methods as well as tissue culture. In vegetative methods, there are different conventional methods like offset planting, rhizome planting, rooting of cuttings (suitable for clump-forming species, rooting can be induced in culm, branch, and nodal cuttings), and layering. Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of these methods ensure good survival percentage, suitability for both thin-walled and thick-walled bamboos, cost-effectiveness, etc., The major methods of propagation are listed below, for more information, click on the Read More link.

  1. Propagation through seeds: Bamboo seeds are short-lived, and generally most of the species will lose viability within one to two months. Collected seeds can be processed by winnowing, sieving, and handpicking impurities... Read more..
  2. Propagation using culm cuttings: Culm cuttings are highly suitable for thick-walled species with prominent nodal buds or branches with aerial roots. Pre-monsoon or early monsoon season is the ideal time for propagation through culm cuttings.... Read more....
  3. Propagation using Branch cuttings: Branch cutting is a simple and easy method of propagation, but the success of rooting is not as high as in culm cuttings. Preparing pre-rooted and pre-rhizomed branch cuttings can reduce the time taken for rooting and rhizome development in branch cuttings.... Read more....
  4. Propagation using Rhizome cuttings: Suitable for monopodial bamboos with runner-type rhizomes.Read more....
  5. Propagation by Layering: This is a method of bringing a culm or branch in contact with a moist rooting medium (soil) while attached to the mother plant and hence the propagation occurs. Different layering techniques are available....Read more...

Bamboo Nursery

Establishing a bamboo nursery in a suitable place close to the plantation area is good for starting large-scale bamboo plantings. However, the nursery can be established at different scales of production and activity, and also depending on its objectives. The nursery site should be well-drained and the facilities for irrigation, composting, potting shed, seed germination beds, and rhizome propagating area should be included.